Related Services

Service 113 between Preston and Leyland 

A new hourly 113 bus service covering Preston, Gregson Lane, Bamber Bridge, Lostock Hall and Leyland will run on  Monday to Saturday evenings, leaving Preston at 6.35pm, 7.40pm, 8.40pm, 9.40pm and 10.40pm,with a last 11:20pm shorter one stopping at Lostock Hall. Meanwhile, the return service will leave Leyland at 8.24pm, 9.24pm and 10.24pm, and some minor tweaks will be made to the morning Monday to Friday journeys at peak time to improve reliability.

ic_bus 113

to Leyland

Download Timetable


Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 113 - PRESTON Bus Station - LEYLAND Civic Centre

Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand 39)
06:12 06:38 07:00 07:35 08:10 08:50 then
:20 :50 until 14:20 14:50 15:20
Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Little Oaks
Higher Walton (by)
06:20 06:47 07:10 07:46 08:21 09:00 :30 :00 14:30 15:00 15:32
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (by)
06:25 06:53 07:16 07:53 08:27 09:06 :36 :06 14:36 15:06 15:38
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (W)
06:34 07:02 07:26 08:06 08:39 09:16 :46 :16 14:46 15:16 15:48
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (by)
06:40 07:09 07:33 08:14 08:47 09:23 :53 :23 14:53 15:23 15:55
Business Park
Farington (by)
06:47 07:16 07:40 08:21 08:54 09:30 :00 :30 15:00 15:30 16:02
Towngate (Stand D)
06:56 07:26 07:52 08:34 09:07 09:41 :11 :41 15:11 15:41 16:13
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
06:59 07:29 07:55 08:37 09:11 09:44 :14 :44 15:14 15:44 16:16
Seven Stars
07:02 07:32 07:59 08:41 09:15 09:47 :17 :47 15:17 15:47 16:19
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
07:06 07:36 08:03 08:45 09:19 09:51 :21 :51 15:21 15:51 16:23
Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand 39)
15:55 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:05 18:35 19:40 20:40 21:40 --- ---    
Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 22:40 23:20    
Little Oaks
Higher Walton (by)
16:08 16:43 17:13 17:43 18:15 18:45 19:48 20:48 21:48 22:48 23:28    
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (by)
16:14 16:49 17:19 17:49 18:21 18:51 19:53 20:53 21:53 22:53 23:33    
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (W)
16:24 16:59 17:29 17:59 18:31 19:01 20:02 21:02 22:02 23:02 23:42    
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (by)
16:31 17:06 17:36 18:06 18:38 19:08 20:08 21:08 22:08 23:08 23:48    
Business Park
Farington (by)
16:38 17:13 17:43 18:13 18:45 19:15 20:15 21:15 22:15 23:15 ---    
Towngate (Stand D)
16:49 17:24 17:54 18:24 18:54 19:24 20:24 21:24 22:24 23:24 ---    
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
16:52 17:27 17:57 18:27 18:57 19:27 20:27 21:27 22:27 23:27 ---    
Seven Stars
16:55 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 ---    
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
16:59 17:34 18:04 18:34 19:04 19:34 20:34 21:34 22:34 23:34 ---    

Print Timetable Go to top Monday to Friday - 113 - LEYLAND Civic Centre - PRESTON Bus Station

Towngate (Stand D)
--- 06:26 06:56 07:26 07:52 08:34 09:07 09:41 then
:11 :41 until 13:41
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
--- 06:29 06:59 07:29 07:55 08:37 09:11 09:44 :14 :44 13:44
Seven Stars
--- 06:32 07:02 07:32 07:59 08:41 09:15 09:47 :17 :47 13:47
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
--- 06:38 07:08 07:38 08:07 08:47 09:21 09:53 :23 :53 13:53
Business Park
Farington (by)
--- 06:47 07:17 07:48 08:17 08:57 09:30 10:02 :32 :02 14:02
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (N)
06:19 06:54 07:24 07:55 08:26 09:05 09:38 10:09 :39 :09 14:09
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (E)
06:25 07:00 07:30 08:02 08:33 09:11 09:44 10:15 :45 :15 14:15
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (NW)
06:35 07:10 07:40 08:13 08:45 09:22 09:54 10:25 :55 :25 14:25
Mill Tavern
Higher Walton (NW)
06:40 07:15 07:45 08:18 08:50 09:27 10:00 10:30 :00 :30 14:30
Arrival Stand
Preston City Centre (Stand 0)
06:51 07:28 08:02 08:35 09:07 09:39 10:11 10:41 :11 :41 14:41
Towngate (Stand D)
14:11 14:41 15:11 15:41 16:13 16:49 17:24 17:54 18:24 19:24 20:24 21:24 22:24
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
14:14 14:44 15:14 15:44 16:16 16:52 17:27 17:57 18:27 19:27 20:27 21:27 22:27
Seven Stars
14:17 14:47 15:17 15:47 16:19 16:55 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:30
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
14:23 14:53 15:24 15:54 16:26 17:02 17:37 18:05 18:35 19:35 20:35 21:35 22:35
Business Park
Farington (by)
14:32 15:02 15:33 16:03 16:36 17:12 17:46 18:13 18:43 19:43 20:43 21:43 22:43
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (N)
14:39 15:09 15:40 16:10 16:43 17:19 17:53 18:19 18:49 19:49 20:49 21:49 22:49
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (E)
14:45 15:16 15:47 16:17 16:50 17:26 17:59 18:24 18:54 19:54 20:54 21:54 22:54
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (NW)
14:55 15:27 15:58 16:28 17:01 17:36 18:09 18:33 19:03 20:03 21:03 22:03 23:03
Mill Tavern
Higher Walton (NW)
15:00 15:32 16:03 16:33 17:06 17:41 18:14 18:38 19:08 20:08 21:08 22:08 23:08
Arrival Stand
Preston City Centre (Stand 0)
15:11 15:44 16:15 16:45 17:18 17:52 18:25 18:48 19:17 20:17 21:17 22:17 23:17

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 113 - PRESTON Bus Station - LEYLAND Civic Centre

Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand 39)
06:50 then
:20 :50 until 17:50 18:20 18:45 19:40 20:40 21:40 --- ---
Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand B)
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 22:40 23:20
Little Oaks
Higher Walton (by)
07:00 :30 :00 18:00 18:30 18:53 19:48 20:48 21:48 22:48 23:28
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (by)
07:06 :36 :06 18:06 18:36 18:58 19:53 20:53 21:53 22:53 23:33
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (W)
07:16 :46 :16 18:16 18:46 19:07 20:02 21:02 22:02 23:02 23:42
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (by)
07:23 :53 :23 18:23 18:53 19:13 20:08 21:08 22:08 23:08 23:48
Business Park
Farington (by)
07:30 :00 :30 18:30 19:00 19:20 20:15 21:15 22:15 23:15 ---
Towngate (Stand D)
07:41 :11 :41 18:41 19:11 19:29 20:24 21:24 22:24 23:24 ---
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
07:44 :14 :44 18:44 19:14 19:32 20:27 21:27 22:27 23:27 ---
Seven Stars
07:47 :17 :47 18:47 19:17 19:35 20:30 21:30 22:30 23:30 ---
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
07:51 :21 :51 18:51 19:21 19:39 20:34 21:34 22:34 23:34 ---

Print Timetable Go to top Saturday - 113 - LEYLAND Civic Centre - PRESTON Bus Station

Towngate (Stand D)
--- 06:41 then
:11 :41 until 16:41 17:11 17:41 18:41 19:29 20:24 21:24 22:24
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
--- 06:44 :14 :44 16:44 17:14 17:44 18:44 19:32 20:27 21:27 22:27
Seven Stars
--- 06:47 :17 :47 16:47 17:17 17:47 18:47 19:35 20:30 21:30 22:30
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
--- 06:53 :23 :53 16:53 17:23 17:53 18:53 19:40 20:35 21:35 22:35
Business Park
Farington (by)
--- 07:02 :32 :02 17:02 17:32 18:02 19:02 19:48 20:43 21:43 22:43
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (N)
06:39 07:09 :39 :09 17:09 17:39 18:09 19:09 19:54 20:49 21:49 22:49
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (E)
06:45 07:15 :45 :15 17:15 17:45 18:15 19:14 19:59 20:54 21:54 22:54
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (NW)
06:55 07:25 :55 :25 17:25 17:55 18:25 19:23 20:08 21:03 22:03 23:03
Mill Tavern
Higher Walton (NW)
07:00 07:30 :00 :30 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:28 20:13 21:08 22:08 23:08
Arrival Stand
Preston City Centre (Stand 0)
07:11 07:41 :11 :41 17:41 18:11 18:40 19:37 20:22 21:17 22:17 23:17

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 113 - PRESTON Bus Station - LEYLAND Civic Centre

Bus Station
Preston City Centre (Stand 39)
09:25 then
:25 until 17:25 18:25
Little Oaks
Higher Walton (by)
09:34 :34 17:34 18:34
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (by)
09:40 :40 17:40 18:40
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (W)
09:50 :50 17:50 18:50
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (by)
09:57 :57 17:57 18:57
Business Park
Farington (by)
10:03 :03 18:03 ---
Towngate (Stand D)
10:14 :14 18:14 ---
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
10:17 :17 18:17 ---
Seven Stars
10:20 :20 18:20 ---
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
10:24 :24 18:24 ---

Print Timetable Go to top Sunday - 113 - LEYLAND Civic Centre - PRESTON Bus Station

Towngate (Stand D)
--- 09:14 then
:14 until 17:14 18:14
Earnshaw Drive
Broadfield (by)
--- 09:17 :17 17:17 18:17
Seven Stars
--- 09:20 :20 17:20 18:20
Civic Centre
Broadfield (by)
08:26 09:26 :26 17:26 18:26
Business Park
Farington (by)
08:34 09:34 :34 17:34 18:34
Berry Street
Lostock Hall (N)
08:41 09:41 :41 17:41 18:41
St Marys Church
Bamber Bridge (E)
08:47 09:47 :47 17:47 18:47
Conway Court
Gregson Lane (NW)
08:57 09:57 :57 17:57 18:57
Mill Tavern
Higher Walton (NW)
09:02 10:02 :02 18:02 19:02
Arrival Stand
Preston City Centre (Stand 0)
09:12 10:12 :12 18:12 19:12

Generated on 25/01/2025 14:08